Ancient Echoes
Ancient Echoes was a collabarative interactive insallation in which the team created a torch that contains infrared lights which are picked up by the camera that was mounted on the celing which then triggered animations to play on a projector wherever the torch was being held within the visual range of the camera.
Margaret, Age 52
Margaret is an art history teacher at Kutztown University and is very interested in the history of cave paintings. She does not know much about the inner workings of the CD department and is excited to see static art history come to life.
Jake, Age 20
Jake is taking an art history course and is pretty sure he is failing. He is having the most trouble with the paleolithic era and learns better when he is doing things with his hands.
Megan, Age 18
Megan has a CD major friend and wants to see what they have been working on all semester. She takes a weaving class but otherwise knows nothing about art or computer science.
We gathered examples of insallations that have a similar concept and used them as inspiraton
Touching the different parts of the illustration makes it light up different colors. We want to use bright colors like these and outlines that follow the animations as an after image. Instead of a static image, ours will be moving.
This exhibit is actually a mirror wall and their shapes reveal the animation. This is a lot like what we are trying to do with the torch light. It’s also really nice that there is still things happening around them it isn’t only their shapes. The butterflies and little dots of light add a nice effect to the piece. It is kind of glitchy at times like the monster shape installation, their heads disappear at times.
As people touch the illustrations they light up in an interesting way. Their actions trigger an animation much like the motion of our torch would. Instead of the illustrations already being there, ours will appear when lit up by the torch.
As the user moves their hands around the wall of Heineken, they reveal a bottle cap. Our projection with the torch will reveal paintings in a similar way. Instead of the whole projection being bright, ours will only be lit by the torch.
The projection follows the user much like ours would move across the screen. This one also stays in the same range of motion as our would. We want to center it in the middle of the projection area. The animation isn’t totally smooth and moves a little too fast for what we want to do.
When one lunges towards the birds in this projection, they fly away. Our projection will be on a wall like this but it will be mostly dark until the user passes by with an infrared torch.
Logo Sketches
First Prototype
Final Product
The Team
- Jennifer Stank
- Abby Scheuerman
- Charles Saternos
- Annie Crider