Container gardening

Wreaths and table decorations

Landscape design, installation,

and maintenance

What I offer: Consultaion in design and care, design and redesign, pruning and shearing, plant installation, fertilizing, weeding and grooming, mulching, pest and disease monitoring, container planters, table decorations, and wreaths.

How can a design assist you? For a moderate fee I can meet with you and discuss your ideas and mine. This gives me a chance to define your plans for the use of your property, see if your dreams are feasible and allows me to help you with a design that can enhance your property with a minimum amount of attention. And one that is customized according to your needs. All this can be done at once or in stages.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you in more detail.

  • Jeanne Heininger
  • |
  • 717-259-1016
  • |
  • 717-887-3932

214 East King Street, East Berlin, PA 17316