Summer Session

June 25th – August 1st

Camps and Special Classes

Disney Princess Camp $70

July 16-19 Ages 4-6 8:00AM-10:00AM; Ages 7-9 10:15AM-12:15PM

This 4-day camp is for dancers ages 4-9 and is great for little girls who love Disney! During this week, dancers will have classes in Ballet and Jazz with music from their favorite Disney movies. A daily craft and snack are also included in the price. Based on enrollment, the group may be combined. If the camps are combined, the dates will stay the same and you will be notified with an updated time at least one week prior.

Les Etoiles Dance Company (LEDC) Audition Camp $90

June 18-21; Specific time frame will vary by age and will be provided at the time of registration TBD

Any dancer age 6-18 may attend this educational camp under no obligation to participate in Dance Company. During the four days, the dancers will receive classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip Hop, and more! Dancers will also go through an audition process which includes learning and performing 2-4 short combinations, a technique skill check, answering an interview question, and performing a solo of their choice. Dancers will be evaluated on their work ethic in class, poise, performance qualities, and technical level as it relates to other dancers their age. On the last day of camp, all dancers will receive feedback from the week and some dancers will receive an invitation to participate in LEDC. It is not guaranteed that everyone who auditions will receive an invitation. Regardless of whether or not you are interested in joining LEDC, the master classes and audition process encompassed in this camp are a valuable experience for all dancers! More information is available upon request.

LEDC Intense Ballet Track (IBT) $250

Monthly sessions June-February 2018

The Intense Ballet Track (IBT) is an optional 8-month program that runs simultaneously with the mandatory LEDC curriculum. Throughout the program, dancers will receive individualized, small group ballet classes with an emphasis on improving technical execution and application of skills. Classes will be taught by WSDS staff as well as guest teachers (extra time has already been confirmed with Mr. Troy). During the summer, classes will take place on June 20 & 28, July 19 & 26, and August 15 & 20. Exact times will be based on enrollment. The fall and winter class schedule will be distributed in September. Over the course of the program, dancers will receive at least 20 extra hours of ballet above and beyond the standard program.

Combos and Improv - Regular Class Pricing

All Summer

Back by popular demand, this is a class for experienced dancers ages 12 and over. Each week a different choreographer (WSDS staff as well as student choreographers who express an interest in teaching a combination) will lead the class to provide a variety of fun and challenging combinations designed to enhance stage performance, emotional connection to music, and adaptability to varying styles. Time will also be designated to expanding dancer’s repertoire in improvisation. When registering, student choreographers wanting to teach a combination should note their interest on the registration form.

Assistant Teacher Training $55

August 14th, 15th, 16th 5:00-7:00PM

This training program is for experienced dancers who are interested in assisting classes during the 2018-2019 fall session (only for those who have never taken the training before). Dancers must be at least 12 years of age at the time of the training and have at least 3 years of training in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, and Lyrical. During the training session, dancers will receive classes in a variety of dance curriculums, behavior management, roles/responsibility of teacher aides, and classroom procedures. Upon successful completion of the training, dancers will receive a WSDS “Assistant” t-shirt. Depending on the number of individuals trained and class enrollment, some aides will be assigned to classes on the fall schedule (may require coming to the studio on a night different than your classes). Those who do not get an immediate class assignment will be placed on the substitute aide list until an opening occurs. Once assigned to a class, the trained aide will assist the teacher each week and may have the opportunity to be paid as a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is unavailable to teach. Based on age and skill level, trained aides will also be eligible to work as a paid substitute for other classes throughout the year. Any dancer interested in assisting with classes in the fall must take this course.