May Newsletter

It’s hard to believe that, in a little over a month, we will be finishing out the year with our recital! This newsletter contains all of the information you need for the remainder of the year, recital week, summer classes, and fall registration. Please read each section carefully and do not hesitate to contact the studio office with any questions or concerns.

Year-end Housekeeping Items:

Tuition: if you were on the monthly tuition plan, May is the last payment you need to make (you paid for June back at the time of registration). In mid-May, we will be distributing statements to any dancers who still have balances on their account. If you do not receive a statement, your account has a zero balance. Dancers whose accounts are not paid in full by the recital will not be permitted to participate.

May Packets: The packet your dancer received in class (which included this newsletter) is full of important information regarding the recital, summer, and fall registration. Please be sure to look through it thoroughly. There are several items that need attention prior to the end of the year.

Classes: the last day for regular classes will be Friday June 1st.

Recital Extras:

Ticket Sales: Tickets will not be available for pre-purchase at any other times. Tickets are $11 a piece in advance and $12 each at the door. Please be sure to know which night your dancer is dancing prior to ticket sales. We do not accept credit cards, please bring cash or check.

There are two remaining dates to pre-purchase tickets:

Friday May 18th 5:00-7:00PM
Saturday May 19th 8:00-10:00AM

Order Forms: You have received order forms for DVDs, flowers, and t-shirts. These items are all optional. If you wish to place an order, please do so by the printed deadlines (May 11th for flowers and t-shirts, June 1st for DVDs). Sorry, late orders cannot be accepted. Pre-ordered t-shirts will be available for pick up at dress rehearsal. DVDs and pictures will be available during our summer open house dates (you received a postcard with these dates in your May packet).

Recital Volunteers: A sign-up sheet will be available in the studio office for anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the recital. We will also have a sign-up for all Creative Movement classes. We need one parent per class to volunteer to stay with the girls in the dressing room for dress rehearsal and another parent for the night of the show.

Recital Week

To make everything related to the recital run smoothly, it is crucial that you know the name of your dancer’s routine (the title of the song) and which show or shows your dancer is participating in. This information is posted in the studio lobby.

Monday June 4th and Tuesday June 5th: Pictures at WSDS
A detailed schedule is hanging in the lobby and was also included in your May packet. Please be sure to arrive dressed and ready for pictures at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Order forms will be distributed, in class, in mid-May. If you plan to order pictures, the order forms must be completed and returned to the office by Friday June 1st. If you are completing multiple envelopes, you must include a separate check in each envelope. All female dancers should wear their hair in a low bun just above the nape of the neck. Please see one of the teachers or stop by the office if you need further clarification. Dancers can also wear light, natural make-up for photos. Nail polish should be removed and the only jewelry that will be permitted are accessories that came with the costume

Wednesday June 6th: Dress Rehearsal at LMH
Dancers in the Thursday show should begin to arrive at 4:00PM so that we can start promptly at 4:30PM. Dancers in the Friday show should begin to arrive at 6:15PM so that we can begin promptly at 6:45PM. Hair should be in a low bun and all female dancers should wear make-up. We recommend a base foundation, blush, brown eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick (berry or red shades are fine).
Upon arrival, dancers should head back to the dressing room and find their designated area. After dropping off your dancer, parents should head to the auditorium for a brief parent meeting in the auditorium. Parents are welcome to stay and watch dress rehearsal in the auditorium. For dress rehearsal only, dancers may leave as soon as they have completed their last routine. During dress rehearsal, photography (without a flash) and videotaping are permitted.

Thursday June 7th: Show #1 at LMH & Friday June 8th: Show #2 at LMH
Dancers should begin arriving around 5:15PM. The show will start 6:00PM. Hair and make-up will be the same for the show as they were for dress rehearsal.