Project Summary

ArtsQuest is a Bethlehem-based nonprofit dedicated to presenting music, arts, festivals, cultural experiences and educational and outreach programs that aid in economic development, urban revitalization and community enrichment. The goal of this project was to find out how to make the UX (User Experience) of the ArtsQuest website more enjoyable and easy for the average user.


process of buying tickets

Process Flow

The process flow was created after navigating through the checkout process of ArtsQuest. The process flow includes searching for an event and the checkout process.


After the process flow I marked some of the pain points of Artsquest website.

Revised Wireframe

After finding the Pain points I revised the the wireframe to help with the problems I found.

Better process of buying tickets

Ux Pin

After Revising my wieframe I made a UX Pin to make a rough mockup of how the redesigned desktop and mobile site would be set up.


After making the UX Pin Mockups I made a more detailed mockup desktop and mobile site with Invision.

User Testing

After making the mockup sites in Invision i had user test the mockup to make sure it was working right.
Here are the questions that I asked the users to preform.



There was still a few problems with my mockups that my user testers found.