by Becky MacDonald

Roll Goals App-Login


Roll Goals App-Login


The Roll Goals App is designed to help customers of the Ab Roller to keep track of their progress and stay motivated. It is a social app that uses a simple conept to help you stay on track to reach your ab-fitness goal. All you do is set a number of ab-rollers you will do a day and the app helps you keep track of your progress so you can meet your goals. You can track your monthly progress with the progress calendar and picture gallery to help stay motivated.

Personas & Scenerios

1) Rachel loves coming home after a long studio art class and making a cup of herbal tea. She often is so antsy from the long hours of sitting in her studio art classes that she is excited to pump up her blood rate by doing a couple rolls.
2) Rachel is a very dedicated person who sticks to routine like her life depends on it. Every night before she goes to bed she turns on some instrumental screamo music and pumps out 20-30 rolls before falling into bed. It helps her wind down for the night.

1) Olivia loves attacking the day with an inspirational quote, lemon poppyseed bagel, and 15 ab rolls every morning.
2) Olivia is off to her weekly bowling practice with her five friends that she met at bingo. As they are catching up over rounds of bowling, one of her friends notices her slim stomach. She shares about the ab roller she has been using and convinces 2 of her friends to download the app and get rolling!

1) Larry loves his job and his family even more. Besides those two things, one thing he really does love is the 30 minutes he has between the end of the work day and his kids arriving back home. He has grown to love using this time to start a pot of coffee and update his ‘progress’ picture on his ab app.
2) Larry loves playing with his kids in the summer evenings. Ever since he started using the ab roller app he has had more energy to play with his kids in the long summer evenings. Recently, his wife has joined in on the fun and he’s been teaching his whole family how love of rolling!

1) Luke loves to wake up slow and start the day even slower. As someone who can’t keep his attention on one thing for more than a couple minutes, he has grown to love interspersing roll sessions whenever he has the inspiration from looking at a insta fitspo.
2) Luke also loves to check his progress in the morning when he wakes up. He has become fairly popular in the ab roller community and constantly uploads his progress and new weekly goals. His personal goal is to use his progress to create his own fitspo and reach a million followers.

1) Sam loves travelling almost as much as she loves organic smoothies. In a couple weeks she plans to take a roadtrip to Cali with some of her yogi family and they are all excited that shes bring along her roller to keep tone during the long hours on the road.
2) Recently, Sam has been introducing the ab wheel into her yogacise class. So far it has had fantastic results and her students have seen progress since they started.




CEO & Founder

Olivia is a energetic 55 year old who loves staying active and fit. Because of her thyroid problem, she has been having trouble keeping the belly fat off and it looking to zap some fat to better her health.




Luke is a 29 year old want-to-be hipster who thrives on drinking coffee and sending memes. He’s anti-gym but likes to keep things tight. Since he spends most of his time surfing the web and reflecting on life, he needs a short workout to keep tone.




Larry is 40 year old father of 4 girls and a little boy who all love climbing trees and using him as a play gym. Recently, he’s had trouble keeping up with them and is looking to build some core strength.




Rachel is a 20 year old college student who values core strength for self-defense. She is an introvert and hates the social pressure of the gym. She is an art student with very little time to spare.




Sam 25 year old is a free spirit who dedicates most of her free time to building healthy habits. She is a faithful gym-goer and yogi who wants to target & tones her abs specifically.



1) Login to App and go to homepage

2) Set some Goals

3) Add some Rolls

4) Take a pic

5) Check your progress


All users got through the tasks fairly quickly and easily and I was encouraged by the quick responses to the question prompts. The login process went smoothly, users were able to navigate it accurately. The process of following the questions went really well, for the most part there were really no problems with confusing. There were a couple tweaks as far as button sizing/placement but overall it was encouraging!


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