Introducing your new leafy best friend


"Let's Grow Together"

Who We Are

Flourish is a self care and journaling app! The more you journal and get things done, the more your plant grows. Creating to do lists and checking on your moods helps create a healthier lifestyle and can get you back on track on those gloomy days. Don't have a green thumb in real life? That's okay! Your plant never dies, it only grows with you, so let’s grow together!
Journal your thoughts and track your moods throughout the day!
Create daily to–do lists and gain water droplets as you complete tasks!
Collect and grow your own plants — learn more about the plants and how to grow them in real life!
So many things to do to help you relax and unwind!
and then finally you


"Let's Grow Together"
Download in the appstore
Click to see documentation site here.