Fun Facts

Alexa Wechsler is 19 years old and a current sophomore at Kutztown University. She majors in Communication Design with the goal of becoming an interior designer. Prior to coming to Kutztown, she would do brand deals and sell products on Instagram!

For 17 years Alexa danced competitively and also entered in the occasional beauty pagents. In addition to these she used to powerlift and play soccer as well and while she no longer competes she still enjoys the feeling of working out and loves to be out in nature. She lives at home with two younger sisters and her cat Binx who is always getting into trouble!

For 17 years Alexa danced competitively and also entered in the occasional beauty pagents. In addition to these she used to powerlift and play soccer as well and while she no longer competes she still enjoys the feeling of working out and loves to be out in nature. She lives at home with two younger sisters and her cat Binx who is always getting into trouble!

Alexa Wechsler 2022 - The Images and Content Used on This Website Are For Educational Purposes.