CEO, innovator,

fashion icon

"Are you lazy, or just incompetent?"

—Jeff Bezos, inspiring one of his employees

"Why are you ruining my life?"

—Bezos speaking to a board member


So who even is Jeff Bezos?

Jeffrey Preston Bezos was born to Jackelyn and and Ted Jorgenson, who were teenagers at the time, on Jan. 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jackenlyn later remarried to Mike Bezos, a Cuban immigrant. Young Jeffrey's path to world domination began in high school, when he started his first buisness, called the Dream Insitute, as an educational summer camp for elementary aged children. He later went on to graduate from Princeton in 1986 with a computer science degree, and proceeded to do nothing with it by selling his soul and going into finance. He somehow got married to Mackenzie Tuttle in 1993, a prospective writer. Upon realizing that the finance world is super boring, Jeffrey fled to Seattle in 1994 in an attempt to capitalize on people's laziness by creating a website that could sell people items without them needing to take the treacherous trip to a physical store. launched a year later, originally selling only books, but later moving on to sell everything else upon Jeffrey realizing that money is super useful for a company. As of 2022, Amazon is making a lot of money, making 386 BILLION DOLLARS a year, to be exact. Jeff Bezos is also one of the wealthiest people in the world, to the point that his divorce in 2019 made now‐Mackenzie Scott the third wealthiest woman in the world.

Bezos makes more money in one second than most make in a week

Jeff Bezos makes about $3715 a second, more than triple the national average of $917 dollars a week

His super-yacht has a smaller, support yacht that goes with it

The average amazon worker makes less than $30,000 a year.

He almost named his company “Cadabra” instead of Amazon

Amazon’s first lawyer warned this name sounded too similar to “cadaver”, which in retrospect may have been more appropriate.

Bezos makes more money in one second than most make in a week

Jeff Bezos makes about $3715 a second, more than triple the national average of $917 dollars a week

His super-yacht has a smaller, support yacht that goes with it

The average amazon worker makes less than $30,000 a year.

He almost named his company “Cadabra” instead of Amazon

Amazon’s first lawyer warned this name sounded too similar to “cadaver”, which in retrospect may have been more appropriate.

Bezos makes more money in one second than most make in a week

Jeff Bezos makes about $3715 a second, more than triple the national average of $917 dollars a week

His super-yacht has a smaller, support yacht that goes with it

The average amazon worker makes less than $30,000 a year.

He almost named his company “Cadabra” instead of Amazon

Amazon’s first lawyer warned this name sounded too similar to “cadaver”, which in retrospect may have been more appropriate.