MyKU Redesign Documentation Page

Flow and Analysis

Research into Other Websites

Minimal product pages with only the item images and product information. Can easily see all options and select them. Options no longer available are not clickable. When adding to cart, it slides in with all info on cart items and ability to instantly move on to checkout.

Cotton Bereau
Minimal colors and layout. Big buttons and options for product all visible and changeable right there. Cart slides in with all info needed to start checkout and has optional and out-of-the-way ad for additional product. Checkout bright red and big.

Hot Topic
The Hot Topic product shows everything important to the item immediately next to it so there is only a tiny bit of scrolling to see everything in the product details. Has a little more clutter in the form of a discount timer and what may be a sponsorship, but the discounts are bright and noticeable without overshadowing the even brighter add to bag button. When adding item, it pulls up the current bag items as a popup and has easy checkout, view cart, and continue buttons.

Bath and Body Works
Very clean and minimal product details with price clear and upfront as well as reviews and a potential discount. Other items of the same scent only a small scroll down. Bag pops up and interrupts view of the products a little more than the first three, but has all important info and a checkout button. When the bag is hovered over, it is visible as well and shows price and checkout button clearly.

Very clean and many product images along the left. Big size choices and bright add to bag button. Lower down there are more images and a shipping fee estimator. Bag doesn't appear when adding to bag but little popup says it's been added near the bag button and the add to bag button becomes a view bag button. Bag keeps the look of the site though it is a little less clean.


Personas and Scenarios

Features and Revisements



Script and User Feedback


User 1

User 2

User 3

User 4

User 5

User 6

Final Prototypes

