Buppy Boi

This, is my buddy Milo. Before he was a big-nosed goose, before he was a clown, before he was even a sock-snatching menace; He was just a chubby little puppy who waddled when he walked and loved chewing on everything.

Admiral Buppy

Look at this clown. This big-nosed brat, who loves chicken and belly rubs and ripping through every cotton-filled object he can get his paws on.

Don't be fooled by his puppy eyes and derpy looks; He will eat your hands.

Big-Nosed Goose

Look at this big-nosed goose. Milo the security dog; At least, he thinks he's one. He stares out the window half the day, barking at everything that walks even remotely near his lawn.

Reminds me of his Admiral Buppy days, when he fought in the war against the house cats.

Buppy & Chompa

This is Milo, the sock-snatching menace, meeting his new pal Coco (Chompasaurus Rex) for the first time. Coincidentally, she is also a sock-snatching menace. How lucky we are to now have two noisy, sassy, sock-snatching bullies.

They'll make great friends, I'm sure.