
Planetarium Panic is a game in which the user must complete a series of mini games in order to defuse the bomb that will be ticking down on the planetarium ceiling. Each mini game will represent a fuse and in order to stop the deactivate the fuse, the mini game must be successfully completed. The timer will only be visible on the ceiling so the user is not aware of their remaining time during the mini games. There will be indicators such as flashing lights and faster music which will let the user know when their time is running out. The mini games will be played until time runs out or all of them are beat. There is no losing a mini game, just running out of time.

software used

the team

Braden Luancing
Team Leader
& Developer

Dylan Kramer

Kalyn Kates


Since our game was a compilation of mini games in order to complete a larger objective, we needed to find references for both the main game and the mini games.


  • http://www.keeptalkinggame.com/

    There is a bomb that is only visible by one player, all the other players must use the clues given by the one seeing the bomb and use the manual to figure out how to defuse the bomb. This concept is similar since the timer and bomb is not easily visible along with pressure of needing to beat the games to defuse the bomb.

  • http://www.wordgames.com/flash-memory-card-game.html

    This was our inspiration for one of our mini games. We will have a memory game very similar to this one.

  • http://jackboxgames.com/2015/09/18/bombcorp-coming-to-jackbox-party-pack-2/

    This game follows the concept of frantic bomb defusal.

  • http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/847878/2d-physics-for-balance-game-like-wii-party-pirate.html

    This game requires the users to win mini games in order to keep the boat balanced.

  • http://flappybird.io/

    This was another game that inspired one of our mini games, flappy bomb.

  • Development

    With a very complex concept, the team went through a lot of planning and sketches to make sure everyone was on the same page and was picturing the same final project. As time prgressed, our initial concept changed slightly. Our original idea was to have everything be displayed on the planetarium screen. After many discussions, we decided dual screens would be the best option. The planetarium screen would show the bomb and the timer. The laptop will be used as the main interface and be used for the games. This way the timer is still not easily accessible and the user would waste time looking up at the screen to keep track of their time.

    Initial sketches

    The Work flow

    Final wireframes


    The game modes

    The games

    Final Walkthrough

    The Installation