Traveling Pothecary:

Traveling Pothecary is an app that uses agumented reatlity for the user to collect ingredients. As the user you can make posions and then use the posions to infect your friends as well as enemies. There is a map that shows where the user is so they may find where more ingredients are. Also they can check there history. This new game will allow users to be more active and have fun while they take revenge on each other with more posions. The avatar they create through Traveling Pothecary changes as they are posioned by their friends.


A place to start when redesigning a website is creating a flow chart of how the user may travel the site. The flow chart shows the paths that someone might use and whate issues the orignial site has. The red marks signify the areas where the website needs work.



My personas are based off fictional people of all ages and personalities. I wanted to create an app that could entertain everyone and alows people to be social as well as active. The older generation may have some trouble with this app but this app is mainly for 30 and younger.


The process of Uxpin was more focused on the sitemap and how a user would navigate through the site. Uxpin allows someone to create more accurate wireframes. I was less focused on the appearance of the site and more involved in how to make the site more user friendly.



For invision, I was trying to make the prototype as close as I can to what I would actually make the site look like. I included pictures would be featured in the site and as many pages as I need to so that I could test it out on a user.



  1. 1. From the home screen, how would you continue to go to your profile?

    All users easily found multiple ways to get to their profile. Most just clicked on the button that has a person image on it.

  2. 2.How do you take a screen shot to share on social media?

    On every page there is a share button. Some had trouble recognizing the button so I might put a lable on it.

  3. 3. How would you collect ingredients for your first posion?

    Most had no trouble with this. Only issue is I could not make the shovel, cut, and catch buttons work.

  4. 4. How do you check what ingredients you have?

    No trouble with this.

  5. 5. How would you poison a friend? Go ahead and posion them.

    The only issue with this is that people did not know they had to go to recipes to make a posion. Maybe have a directory or have less tabs by getting rid of the posion tab. Also could have used more confirmation that they posioned someone.

  6. 6. Check your history to see who poisoned you and who you have posioned.

    No trouble with this. Every found the button.

  7. 7. How would you see your location on a map and see where to find more ingredients.

    No issues from users with this.

  8. 8. How would you edit your profile after logging in?

    Maybe make the edit button bigger or if they click on the avatar it can also edit.

  9. 9. Where would you go to see what recipes you have?

    No issues with this.

  10. 10. Where would you find out if you were posioned or not?

    Its on every page so this question was a trick question. Most got that and some went back to profile so maybe have the information also on the profile page.