


Who's Winter?

Winter is a bottlenosed dolphin who had lived in the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, located in Clearwater Florida. She is well known across the globe for her prosthetic tail.

Winter was rescued December 10th, 2005 in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, at a few months old after being found entangled in a crab trap. Because the trap had cut circulation to her tail, she later loses it to deterioration, and is eventually given the prosthetic she is known for today.

Keeping Her Memory

On November 11th, 2021, Winter unfortunetly passed due twisted intestines. Dying at 16 years of age, Winter was mourned by many across the world.

Since her passing, Clearwater Marine Aquarium has done all they could to keep Winter’s memory alive from then forward. You can donate below to help provide a gift to Winter’s Legacy Endowment, where they work to preserve the environment and keep a meanful future for the aquarium.

Movie Career

Winter starred of two of her own movies, Dolphin Tale 1 and 2. Dolphin Tale was released in theatures September 23rd, 2011, with Dolphin Tale 2 releasing 3 years later, September 12, 2014. Both of these movies were based on true events that have occured in Winter’s life. To put it short, the first of the two movies is based on her rescue, and recieving her prostetic tail. The sequel, Dolphin Tale 2, is based around the time her poolmate -- and serogate mother -- had passed, and she learns to adjust a new, younger poolmate.