Swartz Brother's Art

"I'd rather be broke than doing something I hate for a paycheck."

Jon & David

Swartz Brother's Art is the partnership between Colorado‐based artists Jon and David Swartz.
The brothers have always been drawing and painting. Both went to the Creative and Performing Arts High School in Philadelphia, and went on to graduate from Tyler School of Art with degrees in Graphic Deisgn. After college, they decided graphic design wasn't the best fit for them. They found their love for painting again and have been pursing ever since.
Heavily inspired by the natural world, emotional experiences, and the creative process: the Swartz Brothers work in mixed media to create surreal worlds, where the only limit is their imagination.



Jon and David found their passion for art when they were young, while painting graffiti on the streets of Philadelphia.

The Logo

Previously knons as Black Ink Art, the Swartz Brother&s Art logo is inspired by Jon and David&s German heritage. The word "Swartz" in the German language translates to the color black in English. Hence, Black Ink Art was born.



"[It comes from] Just life, I suppose; music, conversations, other art, nature, urban life, and sometimes we&re even lucky enought to find some inspiration on sale at Walmart."‐David Swartz


"I think we differ from some other artists in our approach to the theme. We don&t paint the same thing over and over. This can be a bit risky, but we get bored doing the same imagery over and over again."

Commericial Works

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