Pain points throughout the navigation of There are 4 buttons navigating the user to different pages, until the user can finally purchase a ticket. The timed countdown makes the user fill account info, shipping and billing addresses in less the 5 minutes. They did not put into account that people type slow and that there are other steps that are needed to check out. The check out button is inconspicuous. State theatre and box office policies are not presented in a way that will be actually read by the user. Different types of buttons for ticket purchase. The fact that the design element is not the same is confusing. There should be a design element being repeated to create harmony. The State Theaters address is not on the top right corner of the page with the rest of the useful information. The navigation bar is confusing and overloaded. Some information is found twice under different tabs. There is a brocken image near the logo, that does not have an alt tag. The Coming Soon box contains rows of items that do not look clickable. When the user scrolls up and down the mouse gets stuck on the google maps images at the bottom of the home page.
The process and effort that goes into researching and perfecting a website process or website itself is extensive. Overall I enjoyed the research and creative process. It is amazing how much of an difference a well thought out process can have on a user. Each person is different and it was really interesting to see people interact and react to my project. I enjoyed learning the different programs. I feel this project introduced me to the complex design of a website.